Let the REDEEMED Say SO…
Let the REDEEMED Say SO….
Merry Christmas one and all on this festive occasion celebrated by old and small…
Let us never forget the time of birth that filled this earth with a hope and peace whose very life would release…
The greatest joy every known to mankind! NO darkness in our KING of kings as Salvation, Healing and Deliverance HE brings!!
So prepare YOUR hearts to receive this awesome FREE gift given to everyone who believes…
JESUS…IS the reason for THIS season!
“1 O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever! 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has delivered from the hand of the adversary”
Psalms 107:1-2
Believing that JESUS is real and GOD is real, is not enough…even satan and his hordes believe that in the sense that they KNOW They do live!
Many in the earth will also say they believe there is a GOD…that is not the issue…the issue is truly, genuinely like a child trusting IN Jesus to BE the ONE to save you from eternal separation from Heavenly Father…to truly, genuinely like a child trust IN Jesus to HEAL you of all sicknesses and diseases as HE endured a tormenting hell going through the process of the cross bearing ALL sicknesses and diseases in HIS very body and by the very whip lashes HE endured for us, we are healed…to truly genuinely like a child trust IN Jesus to DELIVER you from all the snares, tricks, traps and schemes of the devil that is thrown at you…THAT…dear ones IS what it means to be IN Christ Jesus!
It means like a child…you truly trust IN Jesus to somehow in a miraculous way do all HE said because HE DID DO IT! I thought about how much hell Jesus went through on that horrible cross, beaten in such a way I am quite certain medically speaking every ounce of His precious body was in pain. Open wounds, bleeding then His precious bare back laid upon a splinter ridden wooden cross. Each pounding of nails into His precious hands and feet, what throbbing and if that wasn’t enough when they pounded that sign HE felt the jolting in His body even as they dropped that cross into a hole a pain none of us can every imagine! HE did it for you and me and when I think about it….I get mad at sickness and disease because JESUS TOOK IT ALL and as Holy Spirit’s temple that sickness, disease or infirmity has NO right to our bodies!!! MY Jesus endured it all for us…why do we still allow it?! I say this not to sound gruff but we must stop demeaning what HE DID and start acting like the warrior children we are and be the manifestation of HIS Kingdom and it starts with us believing we are saved from separation from Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit WOW!!! It means we ARE healed in Jesus name…divine health…WOW! It means we can avoid the traps and snares of the enemy to throw us into anger, resentment, bitterness, depression, oppression, fear or self-pity, complaining and murmuring because WE have THE Deliverer!!!
LET THE REDEEMED SAY SO…came to me the other day as I was pondering many things before the LORD and I realized in a depth of understanding just HOW powerful that phrase really is…beloved ones…I have talked about the power of the tongue, words that we speak as in what do we “give life” or “death” too?
If we have an ounce of maturity, we should be creating around us life…what looks like HEAVEN….our Heavenly Father’s will after all is to be done on earth AS it is in Heaven!
WE CAN bring change as WE get into alignment with HIS plan the problem is not always that we don’t want it, it is that we just don’t see it, get it or know what it is….why is that?
Because we have not had the understanding of how GOOD our Heavenly Father really is! One thing I know…HE is always good and that never changes about His character!!
His plans ARE for our good….(Jeremiah 29:11) just look at how far HE went to demonstrate His love and goodness (to name just a few of His amazing attributes)….HE GAVE HIS SON JESUS!!!! FOR YOU and ME!!!
Look at this a moment…THE King of Kings gave HIS LIFE for us…I know of NO leader or king that would do that nor endure the ridicule, persecution or death as JESUS did!! I know of NO leader or king that has the power that JESUS had and has…..and not only that…that could actually bestow it upon humans that believed HE is Who He said!!!
WOW! If that is not enough to make you shout, you may want to pinch yourself!!! Seriously!
So in this season….as “redeemed ones” learn that what we SAY…is important and let’s get our words into alignment with GOD our Heavenly Father and stop this comparing or competing or constant correction to each other and start “CORRECTING” our OWN mouths and attitudes as we love on JESUS during this season and hopefully each and every day of our blessed lives!
Love one another even as JESUS did!!! HE said it!!!
“34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
John 13:34-35 NLT
Love to each of you and many blessings!!!
Pastor Lori Lynn